
Showing posts from April, 2024

PCB Design for Power Module

PCB Design for Power Modules The power circuit is a crucial component of an electronic product, directly influencing its performance. Linear and high-frequency switching power circuits are commonly used, each with distinct characteristics. Linear power supplies deliver current proportional to the load, while switching power supplies provide power as required by the load. Linear Power Supply Linear power supplies employ devices such as voltage regulators (e.g., LM7805, LM317, SPX1117) operating in a linear state. The schematic of an LM7805 voltage regulator is illustrated below. In linear power supplies, rectification, filtering, voltage regulation, and energy storage components are utilized. Typically, series voltage regulators are used, where the output current equals the input current (I1 = I2 + I3). Understanding current flow and magnitude is crucial in PCB design, as trace width is determined based on current requirements between component nodes (refer to " PCB Design Copper

Easily identify the various components on the board, read this one!

Circuit boards are an indispensable part of electronic products, and the components on them are their basic building blocks. For beginners or those interested in electronics, it is essential to recognize and understand the components on a circuit board. In the following, we will introduce the types of components, marking and identification methods in detail. I. Types of Components There are a wide variety of components on a circuit board, but they can be divided into the following main categories: Resistors : Components used to limit current, usually to divide voltage or limit current. Resistors are usually indicated on the circuit board by a color ring or a number to indicate their resistance value. Capacitors : Used to store electrical energy and can play a role in the circuit such as filtering and coupling. Capacitors on the circuit board usually include capacity value, withstand voltage value. Inductors: mainly used for filtering, oscillation, delay, trapping and other circuits, co

Want to use PCB multilayer board? Let's take a look at its advantages and disadvantages before we talk about it!

  Below we will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of PCB multilayer boards from many aspects. 1. Advantages of PCB multilayer boards   High-density integration capability PCB multilayers allow for higher density circuit layouts in limited space. By arranging conductive paths and components between multiple layers, the size of the board can be greatly reduced, improving the overall performance of the electronic device. This high-density integration capability is critical to enabling miniaturized, lightweight electronics. Excellent electrical performance Multilayer board design helps optimize electrical performance. Through reasonable layer design and wiring layout, signal interference and electromagnetic radiation can be effectively reduced, and signal stability and transmission speed can be improved. In addition, multilayer boards can provide structures such as shielding layers and reference planes to further improve electrical performance. Powerful thermal performance Multil

Guide to Six-Layer PCB Stackup Design


The Relationship Between PCB Trace Width and Current, It's So Useful


Detailed Explanation of PCB Cloning Process..


Market Expectations: With the recovery of the terminal market and the fermentation of new applications, the overall Taiwan PCB industry chain is expected to grow by 7.4% in 2024.


The Big Taboo in PCB Layout: A Small Mistake, a Huge Loss!
